Friday, July 26, 2024

Two Humpback Whales Photographed Having Sex and Both are Males

Two humpback whales were photographed having sex for the first time in their species' history — and both partners happened to be male.

The British news agency SWNS Media Group shared the news of the surprising encounter, which was first reported in a new study by a researcher at the Pacific Whale Foundation (PWF) on Tuesday. National Geographic, Live Science,  and The Guardian also reported on the study's findings.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Alice Milliat, Who Fought for Women's Inclusion in the Olympics, is Now Being Recognized

Alice Milliat welcomed the world to Paris as founder of the International Women’s Sports Federation, known in her native France as the Fédération Sportive Féminine International. In 1922, she said, “I hereby declare the first female Olympic Games open,” she said.

The male-dominated world of the mainline Olympics, busy preparing for the Paris Games of 1924, ignored the 1922 event, other than to complain about Milliat’s unauthorized use of “Olympics.” They dismissed the rising idea that women should compete at all.

Milliat, 100 years after the last Paris Olympics, is finally getting recognition as a pioneer, Billie Jean King of sorts for her age. Biographies are being published in France. A new documentary has been shown in theaters and on television. In Nice, The National Sports Museum has a temporary exhibit highlighting her achievements. A plaza outside a new Olympic arena was named for her.

Monday, July 8, 2024

The Top, Christianity, Assumes Laws Only Apply to Them, But Wait!!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is pushing for more religion in education. Of course he and his followers assume that means more Christianity in schools. 

However, dark messengers of satanism could soon be walking the hallways of Florida’s public schools. Members of the Satanic Temple say they are poised to act as volunteer chaplains.

Although HB 931 leaves the implementation of chaplain programs to individual school districts, and only requires schools to list a volunteer’s religion “if any”, DeSantis has made clear its intent is to restore the tenets of Christianity to public education.

A terrific way to counteract privilege that the top expects is to demand the same situation for other groups too.