Wednesday, September 4, 2024

End to Nonconsensual Intersex Surgeries is Recommended

Teams of prominent scientists and ethicists have called for the end of medically unnecessary nonconsensual surgeries on intersex children in two new papers.  

The United Nations Human Rights Council has affirmed the rights of intersex people. The papers signal growing international resolve to address rights violations experienced by people born with variations in their sex characteristics, sometimes called intersex traits. 

As when breaking down any hierarchy, one type of body, or any other normal human characteristic, is no longer viewed as superior to others.

US Border Patrol Officer Sexually Abuses Women Pretending It Necessary for Application Processing

Men will go to great extremes to sexually abuse women. In the gender hierarchy, they learn it is their right to do so.

A U.S. border patrol agent in New York has been accused of ordering women to show him their breasts and claiming that it was part of his officials duties, authorities said.  He did so as a stipulation of processing their applications to enter the country.

Border agent Shane Millan, 53, was arrested Thursday on charges that he deprived four women of their constitutional right to be free from unreasonable searches, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of New York said in a news release.

Oregon Small Business On Rise Due to Women and POC

In Oregon, the state’s economy is fueled by nearly 400,000 small businesses, which account for more than 99% of all Oregon firms and employ more than half of the state’s workers.

In the state,180,000 new business applications have been filed in the last year. On top of that, federal data shows in 2023 Oregon had a net gain of 3,000 small businesses. 

What’s behind these huge numbers is that we’re seeing women continue to start businesses at incredible high rates,” according to Isabel Guzman, head of the federal Small Business Administration. “It’s double the rate of men.”

Federal numbers from last year show the state had more than 34,000 businesses owned by Black or Hispanic Oregonians.