Monday, April 16, 2018

Beyonce - At Coachella, Did Not Give in To White Expxectations

In his New York Times opinion piece, "Beyonce and the End of Respectability Politics," Myles E. Johnson states that at Coachella, Beyonce rewrote the book on black respectability politics. She could have decided to play to the majority-white audience, giving them what they might have wanted to hear. Instead, she came with a show that did not make it easy to forget cultural differences.

"All black people should follow her lead and refuse to shrink blackness. Black people often negotiate how much of ourselves we should show to make others comfortable. Black people often feel the need to edit parts of our culture and upbringing for the sake of appearing respectable."

Hierarchies will continue to be broken down, as we all refuse to change to make the top feel more comfortable.