Friday, December 7, 2018

Republicans: As Long As We Keep Power, What We Do is Fine

John Nichols, in an article in The Nation, states that Republicans are refusing to honor a peaceful and respectful transition of power in states where they lost elections. As an example:

Lambasting Wisconsin Republicans for this week’s power grab, Wisconsin state Senator Caleb Frostman, whose brief tenure in the legislature will end in January, warned that, “Unlike the tradition of a peaceful transfer of power, and unlike President Bush’s humble words of encouragement to incoming President Clinton, the [actions of Walker and his legislative allies] are hostile to democracy, display the petulance of children denied their third piece of birthday cake, and reek of supreme arrogance.”

The policies of Republicans support hierarchies, and Republicans believe themselves to be on top of their hierarchies with no accountability when they do whatever they want to keep their power, even when it is against the law and tradition.