Saturday, May 30, 2020

Trump: I'm On Top of the World Hierarchy of my Own (Trump's WHO), Who Cares About the other WHO?

In a move that is typical of a president who is showcasing problems with the top of our nation's hierarchies to a wide audience, Donald Trump told reporters yesterday of his intentions to immediately cut ties with the international health agency. 

Today, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Josep Borrell, the EU's top diplomat, called on Trump to reconsider his plans, saying "actions that weaken international results" during the coronavirus pandemic "must be avoided."

For people like Trump who see the world from the top, only what is good for him is considered. What is good for the whole is not important. If exercising his authority is the goal, and he sees that as being good for him, then what is good for everyone else is inconsequential.