Thursday, June 27, 2024

Iowa Cubs and Chicago Cubs to celebrate Deaf Culture at Ballgames

Dylan Heuer started Iowa Baseball Camp for the Deaf (IBCD) in 2015 because children who are deaf or hard of hearing have difficulty accessing Little League. On Thursday the Iowa Cubs, in partnership with Heuer and IBCD, will celebrate Deaf Culture Night at Principal Park in Des Moines.

After receiving feedback from Deaf and hard-of-hearing guests, the Chicago Cubs also introduced closed captioning late last season — a permanent change at Wrigley Field. Similar to the Iowa Cubs, the Chicago Cubs will host a Deaf inclusive night on Sept. 19 with interpreters present for player announcements, the national anthem, “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” and more. A special ticket offer includes a T-shirt with “Cubs” written out in ASL and the option to select seats in sections that will have an interpreter.