Saturday, February 4, 2017

Wheaton College Announces Full Scholarship for Refugee from Trump's Seven

Now is the time that it is so important to stand up to the people on top of our hierarchies in any way we can. Hold them accountable in our particular realm.

Wheaton College, a private liberal arts college in Norton, Mass. is waiving its $60 application fee, and a providing a full scholarship that will cover all the costs associated with attending to a student who is a refugee from one of the seven countries Trump has put on his banned list of coming to the United States.

 “We call on our colleagues at institutions of higher education across the country to join us in making a clear statement about the importance of diversity and openness on our campuses,” said Wheaton president Dennis M. Hanno. “By providing scholarship support to refugees from these countries, we extend the hand of opportunity and friendship to those who need it most and offer a model to our nation for more constructive engagement with the world.”