Thursday, May 23, 2019

Harriet Tubman $20 Bill – How Does the Trump Adminstration Keep Coming Up With the Ridiculous

Racist and slave owner Andrew Jackson is obviously the preferred American for the Trump Administration.

Harriet Tubman — former slave, abolitionist, “conductor” on the Underground Railroad — will not become the face of the $20 bill until after President Trump leaves office, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said yesterday.

Ms. Tubman will be shelved until at least 2026, and if out then, the bill will not be in circulation until 2028.

It is amazing how many ways the Trump administration can find to try to further its agenda of building hierarchies with their white, hierarchy-building, able-bodied, Christian, cis-gendered, heterosexual, U.S.-born men (WHACCHUM) on top.