Sunday, October 7, 2018

Republicans - Maintaining their Hierarchies are their Highest Priority

With their actions around the Kavanaugh hearings, Republicans have given us a very clear view of hierarchical moves we can expect from top groups in power. Here are a few from the list of 40 on pages 14-17 on the book Everybody Jump Together you can download for free from this website.

- Push back when someone tries to hold them accountable. As accountability comes closer to the top, they will respond with ever-increasingly drastic measures.
- See themselves as unfairly attacked when labeled with typical top attitudes and behaviors such as bigots, misogynists, fascists, homophobes, etc. 
-  Require lower groups to release their resources and decision-making rights to the top.
- Use lies, deceptions, misconceptions, ridicule, and rationalizations to justify thier isolated, selfish, or clueless opinions and actions.
- Think they have a choice whether or not to deal with, or listen to, lower groups.
- Describe their stance as merely another point of view,when it is  much more - a mechanism to build hierarchies that benefit themselves.