Saturday, March 16, 2019

Highest Priority of GOP - Maintain Hierarchy

Sophia Tesfaye in Salon points out that even though this week a dozen senators defected Trump, that Trump still holds an iron grip over every elected GOP official. 

"Trump’s wall is a loser — by a large margin — in nearly every poll of U.S. voters. Yet only one of the 20 Republican senators representing swing states and up for re-election next year voted against the president’s power move to build his pet project. Of the seven Republican senators facing particularly competitive races in 2020, as designated by the Cook Political Report, six voted with Trump."

Since building and maintaining hierarchies is THE primary motivation of the current Republican party, it is no surprise that they champion their champion hierarchy builder in Trump. The Republican base is becoming even stronger in its commitment to conserving hierarchies (conservative), and its elected officials desperately hope that its hierarchy-conservative base can win elections, at a time when hierarchies are eroding.