Friday, October 18, 2019

"Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President"

Are leaders of our hierarchies finally being so blatant in their top-of-the-hierarchy actions that we are as a country going to hold them accountable?

Retired Adm. William McRaven argued in an op-ed Thursday that President Donald Trump  "destroying" the United States, warning that the future of the country is "in peril" if Trump is not removed from office.

In a op-ed for the New York Times, McRaven, former commander of U.S. Special Operations, wrote  "Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President." He argues that Trump is launching "assaults" on U.S. institutions: "on the intelligence and law enforcement community, the State Department and the press."

He speculates that the US military may have trouble finding recruits as young Americans do not trust Trump which may impact trust of future presidents.