Monday, February 27, 2023

Racism Doesn't Pay Off for Dilbert Creater

Now the distributor of the comic strip "Dilbert" has joined many newspapers in dropping the comic strip. This comes after creator Scott Adams made the racist and white supremist comment that described people who are Black as part of a "hate group" that white people should "get away" from. He stated on his that white people should stop "trying to help Black America."

The Andrews McMeel Universal distributors announced it is cutting ties with Adams because of incompatible "vision and principles." Though stating that they value free speech, they refuse to support any commentary rooted in discrimination or hate. 

Clueless Adams stated on Twitter, "Dilbert has been cancelled from all newspapers, websites, calendars, and books because I gave some advice everyone agrees with."

In hierarchies, it is common from top groups to project their own perspectives on other groups, in this case a hateful white male calling Blacks hateful. Adams appears to see Blacks as "other" and separate from the rights and privileges offered to and controlled by the higher groups in our hierarchies, who can deem where resources go. People on the top see lower groups as "charity" that they have an option to "help" or not. People on top also falsely think that people below support their actions and views, and if they don't, something is wrong with lower people, not the opposite.