Sunday, April 28, 2024

Mural in New Hampshire Tears the Town Apart

Carrie Gendreau, one of the members of the select board of Littleton, New Hampshire, tore her town apart after she objected to a mural in town.

Tbe mural features a blooming iris, dandelions, and birch trees. But Ms. Gendreau became convinced that there were subversive messages in its imagery.

North County Pride, founded four years ago to build more visible support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people planned and paid for the mural. 

Before it was over, Ms. Gendreau, an evangelical Christian, had warned the community of American's descent into evil, citing gay rights as an example of moral decay destroying the country. People took sides, and words exchanged.

The town manager resigned after hateful comments about his late gay son, and Ms. Gendreau decided not to run for reelection. 

Not a pleasant situation all around when hierarchy builders insist that their actions to destroy other people are just another opinion.