Friday, May 27, 2016

U.S. Senate Supports Women USA Soccer

Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) in a speech on the Senate floor yesterday praised the USWNT for winning its third World Cup title last July and the past three Olympic gold medals.

“But despite all of these tremendous successes, these players do not get paid on par with their male counterparts. This isn’t just about the money. It’s also about the message it sends to women and girls across our country and the world. The pay gap between the men and women’s national soccer teams is emblematic of what is happening all across our country.”

The Senate unanimously approved a non-binding resolution calling on the U.S. Soccer Federation to “immediately end gender pay inequity and to treat all athletes with the respect and dignity those athletes deserve.”

Glad in the days of the hierarchy-building obstructionist Republicans, they can at least agree on this.